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8:56 p.m. @ January 13, 2003

So, how was my birthday you ask? Well, it had its ups and downs, but it ended up being one of my better birthdays. It started last Thursday and is due to end this Wednesday. Why do I get almost a full week? BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY IT GOES! Don't hate me 'cause I'm spoiled. It's not as if I don't deserve it.

Last Thursday Nahal took me to dinner, birthday shopping and to see The Hot Chick. If you have yet to see this movie, make it a point to see it soon. Yes, it is mindless humor, but sometimes that's the best kind. I wish I too had a teen girl trapped in Rob Schneider's body to call my very own. How fun would life be? My family had a sort of get together on Saturday, but it was more for my cousin, Jimmy, because the 11th is also his birthday. He turned 18. Yes, Jimmy was my present for my 9th birthday. Dean took me to Claim Jumper Saturday night. That place has the best food on earth, not to mention they give you enough food to feed an army. Last night, Dean and Nahal took me to the Improv to see a stand up comedy show. I finally got to have my very own Evening at the Improv. It was the most fun I have had in ages. I have never been to a comedy club before. I am glad I finally got the chance to go. Can I tell you who was there? Nope. I was feeling a little too tipsy by the time the first comic came out. All I know of him is that he will be in the second Dumb and Dumber movie. I have seen him on TV before, but I cannot for the life of me recover his name from my memory. The main act was Greg something. It's funny that I can't recall his last name because he did an entire skit on the damn thing. Both comics were incredibly funny. I had a blast. I'm not just saying that because I was far from sober. They were great. I really want to try to get back to the Improv some time between January 20-25 to see Harland Williams. I think the Improv will be my new past time. Dean says that won't happen, but I beg to differ. So, in case anyone was concerned, I had a wonderful birthday. And the best part? I had no idea I was even going to the Improv last night. Nahal and Dean somehow managed to surprise me. No one has ever surprised me before. I figure everything out, so no one even tries to attempt it anymore. But they pulled it off. I didn't even know where I was until I was right in front of the place. It was quite a pleasant surprise. So, yeah- Happy Birthday to me!


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