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12:09 a.m. @ April 07, 2003

I have decided to use this entry to take a breather from the way my diary has been going lately. Don�t get me wrong, I am not backing down, nor am I changing my opinions about anything and neither is anyone else. I just want to do something different for a change. There needs to be a break here. Some things have gone too far. So, for your reading pleasures, I have compiled a list of celebrities and other famous folks who probably wish they had not said some of the things they did, assuming they actually knew better.

Christina Aguilera Said to Tiger Woods: �Sorry, I don't follow tennis so I don't know much about you.� Is there anything she does know much about?

Christina Aguilera and Garth Brooks Christina: "Wow, I'm so glad to meet you Mr. Brooks. I loved all of your albums!"

Garth: "Oh yeah? Name one song"

Christina: "Umm... uhhh.... ummmm..."

Garth: "That's OK, I can't name any of your songs either." You go, Garth!

Marion Barry Remember him? He was the mayor of Washington, D.C. in the 80�s. This is the same one who was caught using cocaine in an undercover sting. This is what he had to say in 1989 when referring to crime: "Outside of the killings, we have one of the lowest crime rates." Drugs are bad, mmm�kay?

Yogi Berra You have heard of �Yogi�ism, right? Well, this is what they mean: When a reporter asked him if he thought Don Mattingly exceeded his expectations, Yogi replied with, �No, but he did a lot better than I thought he would.� Another piece of his useful wisdom: "Attend other people's funerals, otherwise they won't attend yours." Well, that seems fair. And finally: Yogi was once asked, "What time is it?" He responded, "What? You mean now?" Confusing if nothing else.

Mariah Carey When told that the King of Jordan passed away, she responded by saying, "Oh, what a tragedy! He did so much for all the little children with his charity work, and it will be a big loss to the world of basketball." She lacks beauty, talent, and obviously brains. Someone please tell me what the attraction to her is?

An Actual Posted Sign This sign was found at a railroad station: "Beware! To touch these wires is instant death. Anyone found doing so will be prosecuted." Maybe they meant electrocuted?

Mick Jagger In 1970, he was quoted as saying, "I'd rather be dead than singing 'Satisfaction' when I'm 45." Today he's 57 and still singing. Unfortunately.

Monica Lewinski When on Larry King Live, Monica was asked about her diet through the Jenny Craig Program. She said, "I've learned not to put things in my mouth that are bad for me." By this does she mean food or presidents?

Miss Alabama When asked if she could live forever, would she and why, she responded with, �I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever.� I guess no one ever taught her about hypothetical questions, or anything for that matter.

Dan Quayle "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'." Not only can he not spell, but also he cannot count, either. He also said, "For NASA, space is still a high priority." Well, yeah, that�s pretty much their only priority. Another: "The future will be better tomorrow." You mean better than the future was yesterday? It gets better. "We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world." Um, not as long as you�re here. "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe." Come again? I thought we were a part of North America? Another: "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." Well, without all of your misstatements, you would have nowhere to stand. Still more to go. "I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix." 2 incomplete thoughts mistakenly put together? No. He�s a moron. Almost done, I think. "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur." Apparently he�s a good friend with Miss Cleo? How did we make it through this idiot�s term? "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." Need I say anything on this one? I will end this list here, though this is only a dent. Maybe I should have done an entire entry on his quotes alone.

Britney Spears "I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada". Apparently she takes the long way.

Justin Timberlake When asked what the best thing he has read all year was, he responded with, �You mean like a book?� Is he related to Quayle?

Lars Ulrich of Metallica "Napster hijacked our music without our permission." Permission to hijack? When do you ever give permission to hijack? If you did, I think it would go from hijacking to borrowing.

That�s all, folks.


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