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11:23 p.m. @ April 10, 2003

There�s this new show on Show Time called Bullshit. This is by far one of my most favorite shows on television right now. For those of you who have yet to see this show, I�ll give you a slight overview. Basically, the show�s hosts, Penn and Teller, pick a �popular� topic and delve into it to dispel the myths surrounding it. As our increasingly anti-intellectual, anti-science culture moves on each day to new crackpot subject matters, Penn & Teller are there to shoot down whack-jobs and absurd thinkers.

The show airs Friday nights at 11pm. However, tonight�s episode was a repeat of last Friday�s show, and since I don�t watch TV on Friday nights until well after 11, I wait for the reruns.

Tonight�s show takes you into the incongruous world of organic fanatics. I detest these people and I am glad that someone finally decided to tell the truth about an idea that is nothing more than a farce to make a quick buck off of people�s gullibility.

One of these fanatics is this curiously odd guy named Juliano Brotman. Brotman is the author of Raw: The Uncook Book. His theory is that cooked food is what is leading human beings to their demise. �Before fire came along and people started cooking their meals, we were fine. Then, WHAM! We start cooking our meals and people aren�t living as long.� The sad thing is that people fall for this bullshit. Think with me a second: Cavemen invented fire. So we have to think back quite sometime, to a time when the average lifespan was well under 30 years. Fire comes along, people begin cooking their food and guess what? We now have an average life span of 72. Now, obviously other modern conveniences play into this. But my point is that he claimed the lifespan was longer before the discovery of fire and the act of cooking food. Besides looking like a frilly little girl on crack, he looked to me to be in his early 40�s. He�s not even 30 years old yet! Obviously his eating habits and �healthy� lifestyle are not doing their part for him. Apparently no one has ever taught this little freak that not only does cooking your food make it taste better, but it also rids the food of bacteria and other impurities. I guess it�s good for him that he is able to find enough fuzzy thinking morons to buy into this idiotic way of thinking to make him money.

But leave it to Penn and Teller to take this guy�s bullshit and feed it right back to him. This guy is not a doctor nor a nutritionist nor an expert in anything. He�s just some freak who pulled an idea out of his ass and shoved in the faces of somber, cult followers who believe in anything that is anti-orthodox. I just cannot tolerate these people who not only believe this nonsense, but also insist upon making everyone else believe it as well. Anyone against their beliefs, according to them, are sadistic, immoral people wallowing in man�s impurities.

If you honestly believe that having the eating habits of a rabbit is really the safest, healthiest way to go, I�m sorry for you, but it is your prerogative. But I would appreciate it if you would take the time to educate yourself on this shit before trying to make it my prerogative.

There were a few other people Brotman had with him, trying their damnedest to get the viewers to believe that in the future we will be eating potatoes crossed with jellyfish. If food is left in the hands of its creators, we will be eating glow-in-the-dark potatoes. They have even gone so far as to claim that the foods donated to underprivileged people was so toxic, the food ended up being thrown out! There was nothing toxic about it; it just wasn�t organic. Their main goal, they claim, is to make all food organic in the near future. They claim it can and will be done. It cannot be done. If all food was to become organic, only half the world�s population could be fed with it.

There was so much more evidence as to why organic is nothing more than bullshit, but I�ll let you tune into the next rerun to see for yourself.

A word of caution: if you see this man approaching you, run like hell.


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