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9:30 p.m. @ 2002-11-14

This entry should have been finished and posted last night. However, I hit the 'back button' to check something and when I came back to finish the entry, it was all gone! With that out of the way, I shall try this again. I signed up for this online diary thing last night. When I began writing I started to wonder why I was even bothering with doing this. What do I have to write about? Who would even want to read about me? After all, no one out there knows me, or knows me very well. It would be almost pointless to even do this. But then it hit me- I am doing this for myself, not anyone else. If over time I find I have a following of readers, great. If not, se la vie. Actually, I'm sure I will find plenty to write about. I have this thing with easily developing an opinion on any and everything. ( I just fell out of my chair, tee hee.) Some people think I may be over-opinionated. Is there such a thing??? I plan on doing at least one entry per day. Some days may have more, some may have none. I have a tendency of getting bored easily, but I am hoping I can stick with this. Who knows...maybe we'll all end up learning a little something from all of this when all is said and done. Seeing as how this is technically my "first impression", I wanted to make this entry momentous. The question now is how? I could rattle off interesting little tid bits about myself. I could write about some eminent event going on in this world around us. I could....ah hell, let's just stick with what's really important here- ME! So, here we go with some essentials of yours truly. My name is Samantha and I was born 26 years, 10 months, 3 days, 12 hours and 57 minutes ago- or January 11, 1976. That makes me a Capricorn, which is why I stated my birthdate in such an odd fashion. We tend to do things like that. I was born, raised and am currently living in beautiful, sunny southern California. Wait, I mean smoggy, over-populated southern California. I was raised by my grandparents because my father took off and my mother mistook her little bundle of joy for a punching bag. I am not bitter over this, nor do I use it to excuse my attitude, behavior and life style. I am genuinely greatful that it happened. The life and opportunities I was given by my grandparents are paramount. I met my soul mate 10 years ago and we are still going strong today...stronger now than ever. He must be a saint to be able to handle me for so long. Maybe he's just desperate. Whichever he is, I am thankful every single day for my little weenie butt. He hates that I call him that, but I think it's kinda cute. I call him weenie because his name is Dean, and butt just seems to go with it. We have 3 children- 2 cats and 1 hamster. Actually, we have been trying unsuccessfully for the past year and a half to conceive. I'll keep you posted on that. In my spare time-the time that excludes my 9 hours of sleep-I am into astrology, candle making, numerology, Tarot, crystals, dream interpreting and reading auras. I love reading but I will only read books related to my interests or true crime. I some day plan on writing my own true crime book. Look for me on the shelves of the book store nearest you. I'll be there some day. I have 2 tattoos. Both are on my left calf. One is the Chinese symbol for 'dragon'. In Chinese astrology, I am a fire dragon. The other is an actual flying dragon, which is located directly above the symbol. I plan on getting more. Do not criticize me or judge me for it. My life, my body, my decision. Besides, it's not as if I ever try to pressure anyone else into getting one. I don't have many friends and I like it that way. I feel it is better to have a few with whom I can be more attentive to. I don't mean to brag *wink*, but I consider myslef to be one hell of a friend and an even better enemy. I am emetophobic, which means I have a fear of vomit. I cannot stand to see it, hear it, watch it on tv, hear people talk about it or do it myself. I will never grasp the concept of people viewing vomit as entertainment. That is sick and you need therapy! I voted for Bush and I completely support the attack on Iraq. I supported it in '91, just like almost every single person out there, and I support it now, unlike so many of you bleeding heart liberals. I don't see the honor in sitting back and waiting to be attacked first. I think we're stronger than that and better than that. It's better than reliving another 9-11. I also voted for Bush because I cannot stand the views of Democrats these days. People- equal rights are not special rights! It would be morally wrong for me to get into college solely on my white skin. Yet if your skin is anything other than white, your ass is on its way to an all expense paid education at the top university of your choice. And the great thing is, the white people get to fund the majority of the expenses. I thought this shit was supposed to stop decades ago? Or is it OK now that it's reversed? That's called hypocrisy people. I guess that's alright nowadays. And for those of you feeling sorry for countries such as Iraq and you feel we are monsters for mistreating them, go live there for a while. See what happens when you try to voice your political views, especially if they're not viewed by them. Good luck getting out alive. I hate people who live in this country and bash it in any way they can. Are you people really that blind that you can't see how good you have it here??? That's enough about that. Trust me, it will be brought up again and again. By the way, if you found that to be offensive, too bad. Don't bother coming back because it will only get worse. Like I stated earlier, I am opinionated....and critical. You'll either learn to hate me for it or love me for it. There is never an in between where I am concerned. Well, I don't want to give everything away and I would like to see how many people continue to come back, so I will leave this entry where it is.

By the way, feel free to email me at [email protected]


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