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2:33 p.m. @ 2002-11-24

For those of you who bore easily, close out this entry now. But if you're like me and you don't really have anything better to do, you still may get bored. I'm not writing about anything interesting today. What's new? Nothing I have written about up to this point has been all that interesting either. Anyway, the reason for this particular entry is to let my 100's of readers (ha ha) know that I more than likely won't be around this coming week to do entries. My uncle from out of state will be staying with us until December 3, so I'll be spending most of my time occupying him and trying to survive him. If I get a chance here and there to slip away for a while, I will of course be here to write about something. But if I don't get back until after he has left, try not to miss me too much and have a very happy Thanksgiving!

This is my cat, Beavis. It's hard to see it in this picture, but he has a very unique color.

And this is my other cat, Ziggy. This picture was taken when Ziggy was the size of a cat. Ziggy is now the size of a medium dog- he weighs 32lbs. I don't have any better pictures of him because he is so black, well, he just doesn't show up as anything more than a blur.


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