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12:05 a.m. @ 2002-11-25

Did you know that frequent use of cannabis boosts the risk of depression and schizophrenia? Daily smokers are 5-6 times more likely than non-smokers to develop these mental illnesses, whereas weekly smokers have a twofold risk. It seems that frequent cannabis use has deleterious effects on mental health beyond a risk for psychotic symptoms. Cannabis affects receptors in specific brain cells that influence memory, emotions, cognition and movement. And the effects could be compounded by psychosocial mechanisms � for example, the adoption of a counter-cultural lifestyle. Maybe it's just me, but I was shocked when I read an article on this. Not that smoking cannabis is dangerous to your mental health, but that there needed to be a 27 year study to determine this! No shit it causes depression and schizophrenia, along with long term stupidity and lack of good personal hygene. This isn't common sense? There really had to be a study that lasted almost 3 decades to determine this? What? Were the researchers also the subjects of their study? I cannot believe so much time and money was wasted on such a senseless study. Go spend a day with someone who is high and you'll see what the fucking effects are. If I would have known that this study was being conducted, I would have donated my friend, Brandon, to them. This idiot is high 24-7. I kid you not. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad, sometimes it's just disturbing, the way he is. He cannot hold a thought, complete a sentence, comprehend conversation and he has lost the ability to bathe on a regular basis. He pronounces 'Domino's' as Donimo's', 'tattoo' as 'tactoo' and 'Knott's Berry Farm' as 'Knocks Berry Farm'. These are just a few examples of his speech impediment. He set his twin brother's hair on fire once and thought it was funny. His identical twin is the same way Brandon is. One time their older brother was driving them home from work and they caught his truck on fire. They were on the I-5 when they had to pull over, get out and watch it burn to a mere frame. There are so many more stories that are just as bad, if not worse, than these. And the idiot fucks think this shit is funny. That's what continuous use of cannabis does to you. They don't even care that they have to spend time in mental wards where they honestly believe they see stars such as Tommy Lee and Steven Tyler. So, in case you were unaware of this...drugs are bad, mmmkay?


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