extantPandora�s BoxBioMessages on the MachineEmail MeDesignHost

10:27 p.m. @ 2002-11-28

I'd like to take this time to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving since I didn't get to do so earlier. I'd like to start out by saying 'Happy Thanksgiving' to the family members who walked into my home and right past me as if I didn't exist. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who gave me dirty looks when they did finally realize I was there. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who pushed their way ahead of me to get their meal when I was trying to get mine. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who didn't thank anyone for anything. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who stormed out of the house, pissed off, because they were offended by someone busting their ass to feed them food that they didn't have to pay for or help make. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving to those who talked about me behind my back, then quieted up as soon as I entered the room. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who don't have what it takes to say what they mean to my face. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who tell me that I am the cause of everyone having a problem with this and that. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who watch me bust my ass to do what I can to make them happy, only to have them tell me that I am spoiled and selfish. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who constantly remind me that I am imperfect, inadequate and unwanted. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who still see me as a 12 year old who they can boss around. I'd like to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' to those who have never attempted to mutter a 'thank you' when I go out of my way to do something for them. And finally, I'd like to say 'Happy Tahnksgiving' to those who didn't even offer to help clean up. I would also like to tell everyone that I hope their Thanksgiving was as enjoyable as mine and I can't wait to see how good it goes come Christmas.


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