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11:41 p.m. @ 2002-12-07

For those of you who voted for Gray Davis last month, pat yourselves on the back for completely blowing it. Here's what the fucking genius has planned: he has offered 22 pages of cuts and changes that involves more than 400 items: Freezing cost-of- living increases for the poor and disabled, cutting K-14 education, eliminating a lunch program for seniors and boosting fees at most of California's 274 state beaches and parks. For example, at the state's most expensive park compound, the group camp at Anza Borrego, sites that can handle multiple RVs will go from $150 to $270 per night. He cut $50 million from trial courts across the state, borrowed money from special funds - he got $1 million from the real estate appraisers' fund - and held back at least $100 million this year that was destined to help relieve traffic congestion, plus $500 million next year. Davis wants to redraw labor contracts with the unions of about 240,000 state workers to save as much as $470 million - money the state likely would have to pay back later. He plans to leave at least 10,000 state jobs vacant. He wants to tap into funds set aside by redevelopment agencies across the state to pick up $500 million more. Davis proposed 10 percent cuts in the money that the state pays to reimburse doctors who treat Medi-Cal patients, and he sought tightening of Medi-Cal eligibility standards to save nearly $125 million in state funds over two years.

The proposal cuts funding for K-12 schools, community colleges and the two university systems by nearly $3.8 billion over the next 18 months, his staff said, although not all the reductions were spelled out. The K-12 schools alone face about $3.1 billion in cuts, slightly less than educators had predicted the day before. If we thought California was in bad shape before, just wait until all this goes into effect. I cannot believe he is being allowed to take such drastic measures, few of which make any sense at all. I remember being in elementary school when it was decided that California schools would get $0.35 for every dollar won in the California State Lottery. Since that time, I have seen several millionaires being made and not a dime donated to schools. A couple years back, it was decided to make an overinflated tax on cigarettes, with the tax money also going to schools. And it wasn't just one tax, like they promised it would be. They have taxed cigarettes more times than I can count with my fingers. Yet there is still no money for schools. And what little there was is now being taken away. But what really gets me is his audacity to fuck over the senior citizens who have put in more than their fair share over their many years as California residents, with the rightful expectations to have something to fall back on. Here's an idea fuckhead- get your priorities straight. Don't make cuts where it's going to worsen things. Don't dick everyone out of what is rightfully their's. Limit your own frivolous spending. Don't allow every single motherfucker who sneaks across this border illegally to collect OUR wellfare. And when you raise taxes for a certain purpose or the residents of California vote where certain bonds should go, just fucking do it. For the 8 years I have been voting, I have seen numerous bond measures on the ballots- some in the billions. And almost all of these have passed. California said, "Go ahead, raise taxes and put it to use for this and that because we feel this is what would be best for us." But you couldn't do that. You blew that money on God knows what and again we are left footing the fucking bill! And the best part of this whole thing? He has done this within one month of his second term. He has managed to screw every single individual in this state in one month! And he still has 3 years and eleven months to go. Hoo-fucking-ray! It's funny how he used his support for school reform as a way to get re-elected. Those fucking Democrats.


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