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12:41 p.m. @ 2002-12-09

This entry was originally posted on December 5, but I jumped the gun and was called on it.

So, without further ado, I would like to welcome Celestial Dawn Waites into this world. Celest was born Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 1:48 P.M. to my friends Chris and Michelle. I am very happy for the 2 of you. I know the love and pride you 2 must feel at this time will go unsurpassed. I know there's a lot of mixed feelings going on: fear, confusion, an overwhelming sense of love and commitment and a number of other emotions. Everyone knows this is normal. If these things weren't of concern, then there would have to be something seriously wrong. I am not a parent yet, so I do not speak from experience, but I do know the feelings and I do understand. I wish the 3 of you nothing but pure joy and the best of everything from here on out. Congratulations, Chris and Michelle. And Celest, you are one lucky little girl. There is no one on this great big earth that will ever love you and care for you as much as your parents do. You are one of few children who get to know the love of both parents. Cherish this and never be embarrassed by it.


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