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7:36 p.m. @ 2002-12-10

Last week in Los Angeles there was a car chase, which is completely normal for southern California. We are the car chase capitol of the world. Most chases end without too much incident. However, this particualr chase ended with a 2 1/2 week old baby boy getting his left arm severed from the elbow down.

The chase began when the police got a call about 4 men stabbing another man. When the police arrived, the suspects fled the scene and the pursuit ensued. The chase reached speeds of up to 80mph. The baby was traveling in a Ford Expidition with his mother and father when the suspects broad sided their vehicle after running a red light, causing the baby to be ejected. The door jamb of the SUV is what caused the arm to be severed. Rescuers air lifted the baby and his ice packed arm to the hospital, but reattachment of the arm was not viable. The baby is due to go home this coming Monday. He is expected to recover from his injuries, with the exception of his arm now missing.

Today the parents announced that they will be suing the LAPD next month for what happened to their infant son. While I completely sympathize with what happened to this tiny baby boy, it infuriates me that the parents are going after the people with the most money and not the people who are resposible for the mutilation of their son. If I were to have my child seriously injured in an accident, the first thing I would do is thank God that it didn't turn out worse, then I would go after the sons of bitches who hurt my kid. I would do everything in my power to make sure their sorry asses would never again get a taste of freedom. I would spend the rest of my days making them wish they had died in that accident. But to blame the wrong people because you're fucking money hungry is ridiculous. The police were doing what they have the right, not to mention the obligation to do. If you have ever seen a chase or even just a cop trying to pull someone over, then you have seen bright flashing lights and heard loud sirens. Those are there to warn you that they are coming through and you better pull to the right and get the fuck out of the way. But people don't have respect enough to follow the laws when they see lights and hear sirens. They do this with ambulences and fire fighters as well as to the police. They push their luck and continue driving. That's when shit like this happens. You get in their way, there will likely be a price to pay of some sort. I don't think they care too much for their kid. If they did, they'd go after the resposible people, not after a quick buck that's going to put them further in the game than they deserve to be. It sickens me how many people will use tragedies such as this to come out on top.

The driver of the fleeing car, Alejandro Martinez, 26, may face up to 11 years behind bars. Maybe if the parents weren't so fucking concentrated on the almighty dollar, they could fight their asses off to see that the suspect pays the price he owes. The parents also plan on suing Evenflow, the makers of the car seat the child was supposedly strapped into. Hey, while you're at it, sue Ford since that was the vehicle you were driving in. And sue the dealer who sold you the truck. And sue the plant the Ford dealer got this particular SUV from. And sue the city for creating the streets in which all involved vehicles were traveling on. And sue the woman traveling behind you since you were hit and she wasn't. Don't forget to sue the DMV since they handed out licenses to you, the woman, the suspects and the police. And while you're at it, sue the doctors who were unable to save your son's arm and the rescuers who rushed his little butt and his little arm to the hospital. I mean fuck, where the hell does it end?


Online Baby Shower





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