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11:28 p.m. @ December 11, 2002

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) today sued the California Milk Advisory Board, saying the milk panel's award-winning "Happy Cows" campaign is false advertising. PETA attorney Matthew Penzer filed the suit in San Francisco Superior Court, alleging the cows live on "muddy, feces- and urine-soaked lots devoid of any vegetation, not on grassy hillsides as depicted in the ads."

This is very true. The cows do not live in the best conditions and the dairy farmers could and should provide a better environment for their source of income. However, pulling these ads is utterly ridiculous. There are a lot of things depicted in these commercials that are not accurate, or even possible. The cows talk, for fuck's sake! They talk and laugh and reminisce and even play sports. It's a commercial. It's supposed to be fun and cute and creative. They are saying happy cows come from California as opposed to some cold snowy state. Ideally cows would graze on grassy hillsides under huge shady oaks. But seeing as how California loves to destroy nature in order to build more and more homes, this just simply isn't feasible. If PETA wants to sue someone, sue the state for not allowing their ideal conditions. Better yet, be original and don't bother suing anyone. We already have millions tied up in frivolous lawsuits. Take the commercial for what they are, creative and light-hearted advertising. Don't be so analytical of their depictions. No one else sees it the way PETA does. The cows talking kinda gives it away that this is not a realistic advertising campaign. It's all in fun. Or you can follow through with your suit and take money away from the dairy farmers which, of course, would take money away from them improving the cows' conditions. I wonder what the real reason is behind this lawsuit? Oh, yes! I know! That almighty fucking dollar again.


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