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1:46 p.m. @ December 23, 2002

YAY!!! 2 entries in one day! Consider it an early Christmas present from me to you. Speaking of Christmas presents, I have decided that I would like to resort back to being a child and make a Christmas list, and of course I want to share it with all of you (I mean, how else are you going to know what I want if I don't tell you?). I have compiled a somewhat detailed list of all the things I would like for Christmas. They fall in no particular order.

1:True Crime books. As some of you know, I love reading true crime. Aside from my tarot, astrology, spell, crystal, spirituality, dream, etc. books, I read true crime. There are 5 books I would like to have at this time. They are; The Piano Teacher, Lobster Boy, Born Evil, Driven to Kill and The Twisted Life and Crimes of Harvey Glatman. Paperback or hard cover are both acceptable.

2:I have been feeling nostalgic lately, so I would like to have a collection of my favorite books from my childhood. I can't remember all of them, but I do remember a few. They are; Harry the Dirty Dog, Where the Wild Things Are, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Scarlet Ibis, A Bridge to Tarabithia, You Shouldn't Have to Say Good-bye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Where the Red Fern Grows, (Damn it!! What are the rest???), umm, oh yeah, the Frog and Toad collection, The Grouchy Ladybug, and, well shit, I can't remember the rest. That's OK, my birthday is coming up soon. I will remember the rest by then- January 11.

3: Origins! My favorite scents from Origins are Spring Fever and the new ginger line they have out. I also like the tangerine milk bath and salts. Ah hell, I love it all. Bring on the Origins!!!

4:OK, OK, I don't want to sound too picky, so I will accept a set from Bath and Body Works. I don't like the Cucumber/Melon stuff anymore and I don't like Juniper Breeze. Their aromatherapy collection is OK, but I don't care for all of them. Sometimes I like the cocunut and vanilla stuff. As a general rule, I don't like the smell of pink things, so stay away from Plumeria. And I don't like the way blue things smell sometimes, so be careful of that. I like citrus and ginger. But sometimes I don't like it when they mix ginger with another scent.

5:Perfume- I like Micheal Korrs, Clinique Happy, Tommy Girl, Coco Chanel (not Chanel #5), Curve and anything with ginger. I don't like floral smells and I don't like smelling like moth balls or pepper.

6:A journal. Right now I only have 4 blank journals, but they will soon be filled. I prefer the kind with lines. I also prefer them to be on the thick side. I don't care for the locking ones and I don't want it to have a tacky design on the cover. Leather is nice, but it is not required.

7:The new 3 Doors Down CD. I don't know what it's called, but I heard a song from it that I love!

8:A watch. I found one at Tilly's that I really liked. It's called a Tankini and I like the lavender or black face. It's made by Roxy. If you go to the one at The Block with cash, my cousin can get you 20% off.

9:An incense bottle. You can find these at spirituality shops, head shops or at a kiosk in many malls, including The Block. I don't want one with ugly colors in it like brown, orange and yellow, unless the orange and yellow are with complimentary colors. I want a red one though. But I don't want yellow with red. I also need a new incense coffin.

10:More books. I want all the books that can be found on Capricorns.

11:A new copy of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation-on video. I have a DVD player, but I still like videos. I also have this movie, but it's getting a little worn.

12:Where the Red Fern Grows, the movie. Good luck finding it. It may be next to impossible, but I'll appreciate it more when I actually get it.

13:A piece of silver jewelry with a dragon. My ring size is 10 1/2 and no, that is not my largest ring size. 12 1/2 is. No one say a damn thing! A necklace would work, too. Please make sure it is real silver. I don't find that green mess fake silver leaves behind very attractive.

14:Candles. I make my own, but I don't have the tools or machines or the patience for that matter, to make the fancy carved ones. A Faery candle would be nice. Or aromatherapy pillars. I don't like floral scents here, either. Especially gardenia.

15:A dragon or faery suncatcher. A blue one with a pewter faery or dragon on it somewhere.

16:Boxes. Yes, boxes. I love containers. I like glass and wooden boxes.

17:A Tarot bag. I need one that is at least 6" tall. And it needs to be velvet. Dragons, faeries, moons, suns, stars and OM are all acceptable patterns. Red, dark green, deep purple and dark blue are acceptable colors.

OK, I think that wraps it up. There are technically 2 days left until Christmas. If you hurry, you may be able to find everything on my list. Well, don't just sit there! Get your asses moving!

The current mood of dolphindreamer99@hotmail.com at www.imood.com


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