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2:36 p.m. @ December 27, 2002

Christmas is over and we all seem to have survived. I hope it went as well as possible for all of you.

Now, onto today's entry. I have decided to do a sort of 'complaints" entry. Why? Because I love to complain and I seem to have more than necessary to complain about.

Now, before any of you decide to get pissy about my complaints, remember that I have said time and again that I will write what I choose to write and I do not care who it offends. I have been slightly offended by certain entries, yet I have managed to go on- just as you will. If you can't, then add my entry to your own "complaints" entry. So, without any further ado, here's what has pissed me off this week:

1. For those of you who read this diary on a regular basis, you will remember me doing an entry about a couple of friends of mine who had a baby in the first week of December. Today I was reading the "proud daddy's" entry and he was complaining about how he and the mother hardly got anything for Christmas because the baby got everything. That little bitch! How dare she? Come on. This is really something to whine about? Don't you just love how those who have been blessed with a child are too self centered to see it? The baby wasn't enough of a gift? Of course she is going to be spoiled. This is her first Christmas! Here's a thought; take all the money you'll save from not having to buy baby clothes now and go spend it on each other. With everyone chipping in to raise her, there should be enough spending money. Grow up and get your priorities straight!

2. You may also remember me doing the story of the first cloned human. She was due to be born in January. She arrived earlier this week. But all we know of this baby, besides the fact she is totally unnecessary, is that her idiot American mother who thinks way too highly of herself, donated her DNA to clone this baby. She went to France, the country that lacks any morals or common sense, and was impregnated with her own identical twin. Here in the states we have a word for this kind of freaky shit. Everyone involved then went on a ship to avoid breaking any laws and to avoid any negative publicity by playing God. Why hide if it's OK? Because it is NOT OK you fucking morons! Now, here's where the plot thickens. God, this cracks me up. They have no proof of this baby ever being born and they refuse to offer proof! Why? Hmmm, maybe because it never happened?!?! But here is what the French rejects did have to say; "Clonaid is linked to a sect called the Raelians, whose founder, Claude Vorihon, describes himself as a prophet and calls himself Rael. The group believes the world was populated by extraterrestrials, and that cloning could extend human life for hundreds of years." Does this convince any of you of what we are dealing with here? They think they are from outter-fucking-space! France, outterspace- what's the difference? And now they want to extend the human life span by hundreds of years? We hardly have the room for everyone on this planet now. There is a reason we have to die! And if this wasn't bad enough, there are 4 more clones due to be born in January and 20 more implants to be made in January. Why isn't anyone doing anything to stop this? Apparently it concerns no one that by these fucking bastards playing God, they are creating humans who will either die in infancy, or be born with severe birth defects. And how do they hope to lengthen the life span if these clones have less than an average life span? Someone please tell me how this is a good idea.

3. Earlier this week, a 6 year old girl tried to break up a fight that her 26 year old mother was having with the mother's 24 year old boyfriend. This is not the first attempt to break up a fight the child has made, but it will be her last. The boyfriend proceeded to beat the child while the child's fat ass mother watched. The little girl was smothered in bruises all over her body. The mother waited until 3am, several hours later, to call 911. The child was rushed to the hospital where she died immediately. As of Thursday, there had yet to be any charges filed. Here's an idea; let the boyfriend beat the mother until she slowly dies and then get the biggest motherfucker you can find, and let him beat the boyfriend until he slowly dies. It only seems fair. But since we don't do what is fair in this country, try them both with murder and let their asses rot until execution day arrives. Who am I kidding? This will never happen. After all, she was only 6 years old and we have been proven that children haven't been alive long enough to earn the right to have their lives matter. So, the boyfriend will go to jail where he'll spend maybe 3 years being paid for and taken care of by us tax payers. The dumbass mother will regain custody of the one month old they took away from her after she completes a few weeks of therapy. She will then be free to take the baby and herself into another volatile relationship where the pattern will resurface. People sicken me, but not as much as those aliens who want to clone the idiots we already have in existance.

4. 100,000 chickens had to be destroyed because some stupid asses spread a disease called Exotic Newcastle disease by having cock fights in their backyards. It will cost over 56 million dollars to eradicate this disease. These assholes who are involved in these cock fights need to realize that having cocks fight does not in any way compensate for anything they lack. And if they want to call it part of their cultural heritage, then go back to Mexico and enjoy your culture there. We don't tolerate this kind if shit for several reasons. One of them being that it spreads disease which means these chickens have to be gassed. In effect, it costs millions to correct the problem. Not to mention that the practice of cock fighting is cruel and unusual. Fight each other in your back yards and leave the cocks out of it.

5. I went to a shop yesterday called Crystal Cave. I had a $100 gift certificate that was burning a hole in my pocket, so I was very excited about going. Now, this is a small shop and not many people know about it since they moved to their new location. But yesterday when I went in, they had a good amount of people in there. This not only makes it difficult to navigate the store, but it makes it hard to concentrate on what it is I really needed to get while I was there. Not only that, but there were a few women in there who drained my energy to the point where I was in pain. I believe people know whether they give off good energy or negative energy. I also feel that if you know you give off negative energy that sucks up everyone else's energy, don't go into a cramped shop and ruin everyone's day. Get your ass home and make yourself miserable. The point of this story is that because my energy was fucked up, I bought this hideous set of tarot cards that I will now have to go exchange. I hate having to exchange things. Yes, I am getting something new, but I have to give something up to get it. I hate that!

6. I cannot stand people who find it necessary to go to another country to adopt children. Do we not have enough unwanted children here in this country? We have hundreds of thousands of them, ranging from newborn to 17 years of age. Just what we need, more kids being brought into this over crowded country when we already have children here who need homes. I guess I should thank you for adopting rather than having your dumb asses cloned.

7. Periods. What the fuck is the point of these things?

The current mood of dolphindreamer99@hotmail.com at www.imood.com


Online Baby Shower





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