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11:18 a.m. @ December 28, 2002

It's not even noon, yet I have already found something to piss me off. And you wonder why I am the way I am? I came across an article that mentions how hunters (I LOATH hunters) are luring the bears they are hunting with anything from pizza to doughnuts, claiming that this is not only fair, but necessary in order to control the bear population. My question is, how do these backwoods hicks know what the hell the bear population is? Have they gone high tech and attached collars to these bears? Do they do their little sciientific studies in their spare time? This pisses me right the fuck off. They do not hold the knowledge nor the authority to determine if there is an over population of bears or not. They are out there killing bears because in their little under-developed minds, it makes them feel more like men. It makes them feel in control because they cannot be in control in other aspects of their life. They prove this by claiming it to be a sport. Where the hell is the sport in killing an innocent animal? An animal that has just as much right to draw breath on this planet as we do. Now, before any of you roll your eyes and begin to assume that I am some tree hugging vegetarian- I am not. However, I do not believe in hunting and I do not believe it is a sport. While I do know that it is sometimes necessary to hunt certain animals, say those that are infected with dangerous diseases, I also know that the majority of the assholes out there hunting do not know for certain whether or not these animals even possess these diseases and they do not know anything about population control. Population control is nature's job, not our's. This planet's over-population problem is more with humans, not animals. But we don't see anyone going out with a gun and controlling the human population, though technically that could be more of a sport. After all, humans can protect themselves from other humans. A sport is when both sides are handed the same equipment and the knowledge and skills of the sport that is about to take place. I don't see animals out there holding flashlights, shotguns and tempting foods. They are not equipped to partake in this "sport". Going out there and putting jelly doughnuts down and having Yogi come up and sit there and think he's found the mother lode five days in a row � and then he gets back-shot from a tree- that isn't sport � that's an assassination. Not only that, but they are conditioning bears to recognize humans as a food source, which will make them want to wander into neighborhoods to look for their food. And when that happens, all these morons are going to run around and cry about how the bears are infesting their neighborhoods and endangering their families and pets. Well, duh, you fucking geniuses. Here's something else you didn't think of- laying out 10,000 pounds of food will only help the bear population to grow. I love irony. And as Jesse Ventura once said, "Until you've hunted man, you haven't hunted yet." I totally agree, which is why one of my favorite books is "The Most Dangerous Game".

The current mood of dolphindreamer99@hotmail.com at www.imood.com


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