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1:48 p.m. @ December 31, 2002

Once again, it is New Year's Eve. It's that time of year when people celebrate days gone by and new beginnings. It's that time when people sit down and draw up a list of resolutions- a list I refer to as illusions. I have never been one to actually celebrate the New Year, nor do I ever commit to a list of resolutions. To me, the New Year is just a vile reminder of time that has slipped through our carelessly loose hands like tiny grains of stinging salt; time that is forever lost. The New Year stands as a symbolic marker-making sure we don't forget that we are one year closer to the end of everything. Maybe I'm just a bit chronophobic. I don't look back fondly at the past. It dispirits me to see how fast it's been lost. I hear people say that they can't wait for "this year" to be over; it was was the worst year possible. Does the page turning of a calendar really change the course of our lives that much? No. I used to sit around and wait for that calendar turning event with the same giddiness. But then I realized that a simple turn of a page doesn't build a wall that disallows our problems to follow us into the oncoming year. We enter every year with the same problems of the previous year; the only difference being that we have less time to deal with them. In 2003, as in 2002, we will still be dealing with terrorism, higher taxes, war, greed and all that other fun shit. In 2003, we will still be dealing with race issues and "hate crimes". Just a quick thought here; what the hell is a hate crime anyway? Is it different than a "love crime"? I always thought crimes were committed solely out of hatred. We don't commit them against those we love and care about. That term is as ludicrous as the term "reverse discrimination". In 2003, we will still be dealing with death, heart-break, debt and other hardships. People will still be going hungry and sleeping in unforgiving weather conditions instead of a home. In 2003, we will still have to keep our doors locked at all hours of the day and look over our shoulders everywhere we go. 911 will still have to be on our speed dial. In 2003, cures for diseases, old and new, will still be unrewardingly sought after while millions continue to contract them and die from them. Times don't change- only people do. A new year isn't going to make this world a better place to live in, nor is it going to hold us to our resolutions. It's just life's little way of telling us that the expiration date is drawing nearer. Anyway, this is just my thought on the whole thing. If you see it differently, more power to you. I am not saying in any way that it shouldn't be celebrated as a good time. It's just not my thing. But if you do go out to celebrate tonight, stay safe and for fuck's sake- find your ass a designated driver!

The current mood of dolphindreamer99@hotmail.com at www.imood.com


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