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2:16 p.m. @ December 30, 2002

Someone signed my guestbook today. In it she said that I find the "weirdest shit" to write about. It's not that I find it or go searching for it, really. It's all over the place. Every day, we are surrounded by the idiocies of these freaks of nature. As I have said before, I find that while stupefacient people erk me beyond belief, they also somewhat amuze me. I love laughing at other people's stupidities. That's one of the fun things about being a bitch. One of my earlier entries was News Around the World. If you read it, you'll know that it isn't the kind of news we find informative, but it's the kind we find stupefying. Guess what? I found more.

*In October, 18 year old Nicholas Perotta was charged with traffic violations that resulted in minor injuries to himself and two passengers caused when he collided with a utility pole. But wait! Nicholas had a perfectly good reason as to why this happened. You see, while he was driving, he noticed that there was a short-out in one of his stereo speakers. He deliberately ran off the road seeking something to bump into in order to jar the speaker back into working order. Nicholas- may I suggest that next time your speakers short-out, thump them really hard with you head. That way you'll not only fix the short-out in your speakers, but you'll also fix the short-out in your head.

*Anastazia M. Schmid of Lafayette, Indiana, testified that she rightfully murdered her boyfriend, apparently claiming a moment of temporary insanity. The story goes that she and her boyfriend were involved one night in a session of consensual sex. They were both partaking in a bondage stint when the boyfriend told her, "I'll be the daddy, you be the little girl." This caused her to snap and kill her boyfriend. What caused the snap? The stupid bitch had just learned 2 days prior that her boyfriend had been molesting her 6 year old daughter. Apparently his suggestion stirred up her feelings about what he had been doing to her daughter. But I am wondering- WHY THE FUCK IS SHE SLEEPING WITH HIM WHEN SHE KNEW WHAT HE HAD BEEN DOING TO HER DAUGHTER??? She didn't find it appalling enough to turn him in when she found out? She didn't find it appalling enough to deny him any kind of physical contact? He's allegedly molesting her daughter, yet she finds it a good idea to continue to sleep with him? Hmmm...I think the whole molestation story is just that- a story. She had another reason for killing him but wanted to be justified by claiming he had hurt her daughter. I cannot understand how people use their children in their little sick webs to justify their faults. Her daughter is just a pawn to her. I feel that if you are sick enough to even make up a story of your child being molested, you're just as bad as the perp and you need to have your kids taken away. She was convicted of murder, but that isn't saying much nowadays.

*It seems that in August and September of this year, 2 different men in 2 different locations decided to be good Samaritans and offer their services to 2 police officers whom were involved in traffic stops. Both were arrested after one "Samaritan" backed into the police cruiser when he tried to offer his help and the other was arrested after he badly slurred his offer to the other officer. It seems that both of these dumb-fucks were under the influence of alcohol. Both were arrested for DUI. I'd laugh, except I do not find drinking and driving humorous in any possible way.

*In Kassel, Germany, a man identified only as Armin M., 41, gave police a videotape in December showing him killing a 42-year-old companion who had answered Armin's Internet ad reading, "Gay male seeks hunks 18-30 to slaughter." Armin allegedly admitted that he is a cannibal and that he froze parts of the victim's body for later meals. According to police, the victim (an upscale professional) had methodically put his financial records in order before leaving his Berlin home to meet Armin. Armin is shown on tape eating the victim's penis, after he consented to castration. Armin also reportedly told police that he would never eat a woman because "they are too important for the survival of mankind." Stunned police investigators reportedly had to undergo psychiatric counseling after viewing the tape. Why in the hell would anyone answer an ad to being slaughtered? Why would they then consent to castration? Why did the site in which he placed the ad not only allow the ad to be posted, but not bring the ad to the attention of the police? Those crazy Germans. First Hitler, now this.

*A 23 year old guy was killed in Oregon when he was riding in the back of a van with the side door opened. Apparently he was involving himslef in a drive by pelting, throwing rocks at cars and mailboxes as he passed by them, when he fell out of the van and hit his head on the ground, causing him to die. Didn't anyone tell him he could roll the windows down?

The current mood of dolphindreamer99@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Passage- "Every day is the same, I feel them merge. I try to seperate, resist the urge. But they tell me I'll be fine-that it will get better. Just try to write it down, or put it in a letter."-Goodbye


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