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9:25 p.m. @ January 06, 2003

As those of you who live in Southern California are aware, we are in the midst of the infamous Santa Ana winds. For 2 nights, these winds have reached speeds of up to 90mph. Power has been non-existent in many areas, powerlines have been ripped from their poles, trees have been up-rooted and tossed into the streets like tiny twigs and many homes have sustained damage. As of now, there are 3 major wildfires burning. One of these fires is taking place in Norco. This concerns me deeply. My 76 year old aunt lives where the fire is. If you were to step outside her home, walk to the end of the driveway, cross the less than 15 foot wide street and look over the edge of the cliff her home sits on, you'd be engulfed by the flames that are whipping up from the riverbed below. She lives in this home alone, with the exception of her cats, dogs and birds that had to be left behind during this afternoon's mandatory evacuation. What makes this situation so real was seeing her home on the news tonight. There were firemen hosing it down, trying to prevent the flames from getting ahold of it. Several times through the course of the day, the flames had been flicking up around the roof of her home, but thankfully they didn't take to it. A few entries ago I was whining about the memories I had lost when I discovered how my childhood home had been torn down. I felt a great deal of loss. I still do. But that is nothing compared to what it would be like for my aunt to lose her home. For one, this is still her home. She has no other home. My house wasn't literally taken from me because I had moved. But if her home catches fire, it will be stolen right out from under her in one of the worst ways imaginable. This home really is her life. Her husband of decades died about 8 years ago, so all she has of him is in this home- memories, pictures and numerous other keepsakes. When you get to the age she has and when you survive all she has, your home is more than just a home; it's a shrine of things, people and times gone by and things, people and times to come. She stands a good chance of losing all of this and I fear for her. My heart is breaking for her. Not that anyone ever deserves to lose their home, but she really doesn't. She is such a kind hearted human being; a pure soul. There isn't anything she wouldn't do for anyone. As a matter of fact, she has spent all the years she has lived in this home taking care of all her neighbors- really taking care of them. She has friends to help her through this, but if I know her, she will be taking care of them, even if they don't lose anything and she loses it all. But besides her group of friends, her animals are her companions, her constant companions. If her house goes up tonight, they will too. That'll kill her. This fire isn't any closer to being out than it was when it first started. It's not even contained. Can you imagine how hard it would be to have to start life all over again at the age of 76 when everything you have ever known or owned has been incinerated without any warning? I pray she doesn't lose her home. If anyone is reading this, please pray for her. I don't care which deity you pray to, just please pray for her.

The current mood of dolphindreamer99@hotmail.com at www.imood.com


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