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6:53 p.m. @ January 10, 2003

This has been yet another week when things just have this overly simple way of pissing me right the fuck off. If I had a hit list, it would have easily doubled during these past few days. So, what has my blood boiling you ask? I'd be more than happy to tell ya. Now, before I do so, I must warn those of you who are extra sensitive that I plan on being just slightly brutal. Don't like it? Too bad. Hit the back button and get the hell out. Now, on to my list.

IMMIGRANTS: I spent a majority of my day out running erands. Very few times did I hear any English being spoken. I felt like a visitor in a foreign land. I drove by a junior high school that was being let out and every last kid that walked out of that school was Mexican. Not one single white kid. Today in Los Angeles, INS requested that men of Middle Eastern descent register at the Immigration and Naturalization Service. How many showed up? 7,200. 7,200 men of Middle Eastern descent. That does not include the women or males under the age of 16. That does not include illegals of other descents. That does not include the Middle Easterners that didn't bother to show up. That doesn't include all the immigrants that are here legally. Of course all those bleeding heart liberals are yelling that it's unfair. Too fucking bad. Had we done this earlier, maybe those thousands of Americans that perished on 9/11 would still be here today. Don't like the way things are done in this country? Get the hell out! White people are the majority? Yeah, where?

GEORGE RYAN: Who is this man you ask? The dumb ass motherfucker is the governor of Illinois. Why is he a dumbass motherfucker? Because the idiot declared a moratorium on death row inmates. He released 4 death row servers from prison, not just death row, but from prison completely. One of the inmates was convicted of murder after setting fire to his daughter's apartment and killing her. Another inmate on death row was convicted of murder and aggravated arson in the deaths of seven people, including his wife and infant son. The 3rd inmate was sentenced to die for taking part in the stabbing of his former girlfriend, her 10-year-old son and two others. And finally, the 4th inmate was convicted of murder, armed robbery and rape, among other crimes. These monsters claimed that they were beaten when they confessed to what they had done. Bullshit. They committed these grisly crimes and they each one deserved to be on death row. What about the people who were murdered, robbed and raped? Do they not have any rights? If these sick excuses for human beings were actually beaten, great. What comes around goes around. It's the least they deserved. But by Ryan pardoning these bastards, he just slapped the victims and their families right in the face. He basically said, "Fuck you! I don't care what happened to you. I don't care that I just fucked with the entire legal system." As if this wasn't bad enough, he may grant clemency to 160 more death row inmates. Good going you stupid son of a bitch. Once again, let's allow the scums of this earth to prevail once again. Let's waste the millions that went into the trials that were held to convict these criminals. Let's lose what little faith the rest of us held in the justice system. I hope that some form of sick, twisted irony will wreack havoc on this asshole. I honestly hope he suffers loss, real loss. I hope he becomes a victim himself. I hope he experiences true suffering.

GRAY DAVIS: What is it with governors wanting to fuck their state up beyond repair? Supposedly the state of California is in a $35 billion deficit. Well, of course it is. Maybe because we're supporting so many illegal immigrants? Maybe because we pay for their education and wellfare? Maybe because we have to pay for their crimes? Maybe because Davis is a moron? So, how do we recover from this much debt? Taxes! That is always the answer. Higher taxes! If you're middle to upper middle class, then you fall into a tax bracket that is already pretty high. Now we're going to be pushed higher up. So, if you bust your ass honestly every day and you manage to make enough money to survive, you're going to be punished with higher taxes. Not only that, but the sales tax is going up. And of course the cigarette tax is going up- $1.10 per pack! I don't care how bad cigarettes are for you, that kind of tax increase is unjust. How is it that you pick some random thing out of your ass and put an extra tax on that? A few years ago it was said that cigarettes would be taxed-once. Several times a year since then, they have been taxed. Why not tax other things that are unhealthy? Why not tax alcohol? Drinking and driving kills someone every 15 minutes. That's a hell of a lot more than tobacco kills. Why not put a higher tax on airplane travel? Planes crash all the time, killing hundreds at a time. Or cars? Or potato chip makers for making such an unhealthy snack? I could go on and on and on. There is a shit load of stuff that is unhealthy and even fatal. But we let that go. I never thought I'd see the day where cigarettes would be considered to be so horrible while maijuana is being legalized. And of course, if you pay for your healthcare, meaning you're not some wellfare hound, then your insurance premiums are going up. I hate democrats.

JANET CHEN: Apparently this fat bitch met a man on the internet. She lives in Placentia, California and he lives somewhere in North Carolina. This Mother of the Year decided that it was urgent for her to go to North Carolina to meet him because he is the only single man left in the states. So, she told her 7 year old daughter she was going to China when she was really going to NC. She told her she would be gone for 20 days. The 7 year old was left with her 4 year old brother alone for what turned out to be 18 days. Every day the 7 year old cleaned the house, got herself to school, came home and did her homework and she had to feed, clothe and bathe herself and her little brother. The "mother" had the TV disconnected as well as the phone. The children lived off frozen dinners that the little girl microwaved every day. Why couldn't this freak take them with her or arrange a sitter or put them up for adoption? Assuming the law is actually followed in this case, the bitch could get up to 7 years for child endangerment. That's it. Of course the kids will probably be seperated because they have different fathers. Once again, they will be punished for being innocent.

THE NORCO FIRES: Yes, this is the fire that almost cost my great, great aunt her home. Luckily, everything turned out OK. Unfortunately, 5 homes on her block were destroyed. I am very sorry for those people. But what pisses me off is the fact that this fire was not caused by the Santa Ana winds, but was indeed caused by some dumb 45 year old bitch whose name escapes me right now. She didn't do it accidentally by being carelss; she did it purposely. She returned later that night with her young daughter to watch her destruction take over. She watched as people were running scared and as homes were being burned to the ground. I hope she burns in hell.

I would love to see George Ryan climb his fat ass into a plane with all his criminals, hop on over to Sacremento to pick up Gray davis, cruise on down here to Southern California to pick up Janet Cheng and the arsonist and then crash into a burning ball of flames.


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