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4:49 p.m. @ January 20, 2003

Dear Martin Luther King, Jr.,

Today marks what would have been your 74th birthday. Therefore, we are forced to recognize today as a holiday. Forty years ago you addressed a gathering of more than 200,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial in the nation�s capital with a speech that simply states, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today." Well, Mr. King, I am sure you would be quite displeased with the way things have turned out since your death 35 years ago. Yes, blacks are still judged by the color of their skin. However, it is not in the same way it was in your day. You see, today blacks get to attend major universities because of the color of their skin. They cannot be denied a top level education simply because they do not have the grades to go to college. They cannot be denied this education because they cannot afford it. They cannot be denied because they are black. They are now accepted because they are black. They are accepted over others who have better grades. They are accepted over those who can pay their own way. They are accepted over those who deserve the chance to better their education. While there are still thousands upon thousands of blacks who live solely on wellfare, there are several who have gotten a legitimate job. They can apply anywhere and be hired. Why? Because they are black. They do not have to actually be qualified for the position. They do not need any prior experience. They just have to show up and let the employer see that they are indeed black. The employer is now forced by law to fill a certain quota, so the black person almost always gets the job. Does he do well at it? Does he work to deserve the position that was handed to him? No, he does not. He just has to stay black. When a black child goes to school and is called a nigger, the offender gets suspended. Yet if that same black kid calls a white kid white trash, cracker or any other offensive term, he does not get suspended. However, if that white kid who was just verbally insulted defends himself by calling that kid a nigger in return, the white kid again gets suspended while the black kid suffers no repercussions. We now have thousands of cities in this country that belong to the black community. They do with them as they please, including vandalizing them. They don't have to pay for it, we do. Ebonics. Ha, that's another great one. You see, ebonics is a language that is spoken by blacks. All this time everyone assumed blacks spoke English. Very unclear English, but English nonetheless. We were wrong. It was actually ebonics. Ebonics was even almost incorporated into our educational system to help the black kids learn. The black kids claimed they couldn't understand when someone wanted to ask them a question. However, they do understand when someone wants to aks them a question. Blacks today still do not know what the term 'equality' means. They believe it to mean that equal rights are special rights. They believe this because they believe the white community is endebted to the black community because of this little thing called slavery that occurred hundreds of years ago. The blacks do not care to learn the facts of slavery. They just know that some white people enslaved some black people. They feel that is all they need to know of the matter. They do not care that blacks were selling their own kind to the whites. Yes, that is how slavery initially started. They do not care that not all blacks were slaves and they don't care that not all whites were owners. They want to be blind to the fact that a white president abolished slavery. They do not care that half of this country went to war with the other half. That would be the Civil War...the war where whites stood up for blacks and said they no longer will condone slavery. This is the same war that underground railroads were built to allow slaves to hide out from their slave masters while the whites were transporting them to a safer place. This is the war where thousands lost their lives protecting blacks and hiding them from slave owners and dying for them on the battlegrounds. They do not care that slavery was so long ago that they were not slaves and I was not a slave owner. They also have a television station called BET, Black Entertainment Television. This is also an area where their special rights come in because if we had White Entertainment Television that showed only white programs for white people to watch, we would be called racists and probably have our asses sued in a heartbeat. We are also not allowed to celebrate a White History Month. No, Mr. King, blacks do not get judged by the content of their character because they have found an easier way to get by in this life. A way that allows them to live free without worries, repercussions or responsibilities. Today is your holiday- because you were black. You were no better than any of the rest of them. I know you would indeed be pleased at how things have turned out. You were not about equality. You were about special rights. You lack morals. You lack pride. You lack anything that makes you a decent human being. You lack everything that makes you honest. I do not look up to you, I do not respect you and I refuse to recognize today as a holiday. You took what could have been something good and made it so self serving, it became distorted. Your dream has turned into my nightmare.


Another fed up member of the white community


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