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11:21 p.m. @ February 23, 2003

Since I don�t really have a topic I would really like to do tonight, I decided to do one that is rather similar to a few I have done before. If you read my diary on a regular basis, you may already have an idea of what this subject is. For the rest of you, I try my damnedest to write an open letter to tanker62 every now and again. The reason I do this is because the asshole has a tendency to perpetually piss me off. I read one of his entries the other day and I thought he made a complete ass out of himself. Being as opinionated as I tend to sometimes be, not to mention brutally honest, I emailed him and called him on it. I simply told him that I thought he made an ass out of himself. I may have said a few other things, but slap me on the ass and call me Sally if I can�t remember. Anyway, he got offended and said that his diary is his diary, it�s for his eyes only and he can say what he wants. To make a long story short, I informed him that if he is going to write in a public forum, he is putting his words on display to be viewed, criticized and whatever else. So the fuck-head writes an entry today stating that he doesn�t give a shit what I think. So, in return, I would now like to take this moment to do another open letter to tanker.

Dear Pinhead,

You�re a complete fucking moron. I have told you time and again that if I have something to say to you or anyone else, I will say it. Period. You have known this of me since you met me. Why do you insist on acting surprised when you find this to be the case? You write in your online journal, the one I referred you to, and act as though no one will read it. I�m sorry, but as boring and self-loathing as it is, it�s a PUBLIC diary! That means anyone can read it. And when people read something, they tend to develop some sort of opinion on it. And I hate to break this to you, but opinions, especially negative ones, will be made when you write the type of shit you do. Don�t like it? Too fucking bad. Like I have told you before, you bring all this shit on yourself. I think you do it purposely so you can portray yourself as the victim instead of the offender that you�re so used to being. By the way, if you don�t give a shit about my opinion, then why go out of your way to write about how it isn�t affecting you? Obviously it is.

OK, with that out of the way, did any of you watch the Grammy�s tonight? What a waste of 3 hours. Norah Jones won five awards. Are these people fucking tone deaf? SHE SUCKS!


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