extantPandora�s BoxBioMessages on the MachineEmail MeDesignHost

5:57 p.m. @ June 01, 2003

I went through about 5 templates today before settling on the one you see now. I think this one may actually be a keeper. I have discovered that I need to learn how to design templates myself because I am not completely satisfied with anything I found today. It would appear that most layouts are designed for teenaged girls or fans of anime; I fortunately do not fall into either category. I have also been thinking about changing my style of writing, so I think this design is appropriate. I didn�t intend to have so much political babble in my diary, yet that is the turn it has taken. It may take me a while to leave this style of writing behind, but it will be done. I don�t know; I just really want my diary to be a tad more personal. I have a feeling that even my personal side will cause just as much havoc as the entries about my �views� and such. But I welcome controversy, so it will not be a problem. Well, I just wanted to introduce you to my new layout and explain it�s reason for being done. So there you have it.


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