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1:06 p.m. @ March 12, 2003

Really, life began for me when I was 3. Sure, I had some good times up until then, but they were so few and far between. The first 3 years of my life were pretty much on pause. My grandparents, aunt, uncle and I lived in that house for almost 2 more years. One of my uncles had already been married and starting his own family and my other uncle was in the process of doing that, so when we moved, it was my grandparents, aunt and I. That was my first real home and I was missing it terribly. I remember the day we moved. As we got on the freeway after making our final trip to gather the rest of our things, I cried. I remember Pink Floyd�s �Another Brick in the Wall� playing on the radio as I watched out the rear window of the van at my hometown getting smaller and smaller as we drove further and further. I wasn�t really sad about leaving that house, nor was I happy. My feelings were so mixed. There was a lot of fun that was had in that home. There was a lot of growing that had been done. But because of my parents, there was a lot of turmoil. �All in all, it�s just another brick in the wall�. So while I was going to miss all the good times that house possessed, I was looking forward to new beginnings in our new home. All my family was close by, so we would never have to go long without seeing any of them. The new house was about 20 minutes, if that, away from our hold house. We were in a different city, but still in the same area of the county. I had to say good-bye to my little friends and I knew the friends I had made with my aunt and uncle�s friends would never be seen again. At least not very many would be seen for long. One of my uncle�s friends, and mine too, died a couple years later of a drug overdose. I really loved him. There is a song by The Cars called �Just What I Needed�. He would always serenade me with that song. The neighbors who lived across the street visited for many years after we moved, but they eventually moved on. We still get Christmas cards from them to this day. But new friends were made, both my age and adults who lived in the houses in my neighborhood. I started pre-school that year. I was not ready to leave my grandma (my grandfather bought a business and started working there during the day) for that long each day. But it wasn�t so bad. The pre-school was someone�s cute little house. It was a one-story, dark, wooden brown house. There was a tree house in the back to climb and a swing set and a giant, real-life turtle, amongst many other little animals. We got to make little crafts in class and even go on little field trips. I made some friends there. But the best part was that school ended early and I had the rest of the day to spend with my grandma or outdoors playing and making friends. My grandpa would come home around 5 and we�d have dinner and watch television and talk and just have fun. It went on like that forever. Life was mine and I was having a blast with it. I was worry free, fear free, pain free. It felt like forever would be mine as well. My parents weren�t around for the first couple years, but they found their way back.

To be Continued

My Life brought to you by �Down With the Sickness� by Disturbed

No mommy don't hit me/ Why did you have to hit me like that?/Don't do it! You're hurting me/ Why did you have to be such a bitch?/ Why don't you�/ Why don't you fuck off and die?/ Why can't you just fuck off and die?/ Why can't you just leave here and die?/Never stick your hand in my face again bitch/ Fuck you/ I don't need this shit/You stupid, sadistic, abusive fucking whore/ How would you like to see how it feels mommy?


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