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12:20 p.m. @ March 13, 2003

I have decided to take a brief break from My Life. I am not sure when I will be picking back up on it, but more than likely it will not be until Monday. I am going to try to fit the rest of My Life into one final entry because even I am getting a little bored by it.

Anyway, Nahal and I went to a place called Visions and Dreams yesterday where I discovered this adorable statue that I am dying to have. The funny, thing is, this statue is not something I would normally like, but there is something about her that is calling out to me. I must have her. However, I didn�t get her yesterday because I didn�t like the atmosphere of the store. You see, I believe that certain things soak up its surrounding energy. So I don�t want to bring her home with the energies that she absorbed at that store. I want one that has been touched by as few human hands as possible. I looked on the internet last night and there are several sites where she can be bought. Now, this is where you all come in. If any of you reading this really, really love me or if you can at least tolerate me or if you just kind of like me a little or even loathe me, then you can make my dreams come true by visiting The Mystical Path and purchasing the Mellenial Gaia for me. PLEASE?!?!?!?! And here�s the best part; this beautiful creature can be mine with a mere $75 of your money! Is that great or what? Now, I know some of you may be worried that you won�t be able to beat someone else to getting her for me. That�s OK! I am not above having more than one.

Well? Why are you still sitting there? Get to The Mystical Path or any site of your choice and get me that statue!

Thank You.


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