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9:48 p.m. @ March 16, 2003

I have had my entry about the Millennial Gaia up for only a couple days and already I have received her! It seems that someone who loves me very, very much read my entry and decided that I was worthy of having this statue. This person sat me down and said, �Samantha, I really believe that statue was meant to be yours. And since you are such a wonderful friend to those around you, and even to those who aren�t, you deserve to have this statue. You have done so much for everyone you come in contact with, even if they are too blind to see it. You give yourself entirely to those who have come into your life. You give honesty, loyalty, friendship, an ear to listen and a shoulder upon which to cry. You give gifts freely to those whom you cherish without any expectations in return. And because of everything you have done and everything you are, I have decided to reward you with this statue that you have been dreaming of.� Thanks�..ME.


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