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3:55 p.m. @ 2002-11-18

I have never been the type of person who makes it a point to watch or read the news on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, I try to avoid it as often as I can. There are ocassions, however, where I do catch up on the news. Today was such an ocassion. As we all know, news can be good, it can be bad, it can de informative, it can be misleading, it can be disturbing and it can be down-right odd. Below are some articles that fall into the 'odd' category.

New York City, New York,August, 2002- "Denise M. Lyman, landlord, announced that she will not allow the family of September 11 victim, Danielle Kousoulis, access to Danielle's apartment to secure DNA to help detect her remains." The reason? It appears that Danielle breached her contract with her landlord by failing to give her landlord 3 months notice before 'abandoning' her apartment. I wish I was making this one up. Are people really A) that cold hearted and B) so ignorant that they honestly think people can and/or have to give 3 months notice of their impending death?

Sydney, Australia, October, 2002- Taronga Zoo-"It seems that workers of the Taronga Zoo have been on strike. One of the issues raised was the zoo managers' sollution for the problem they have been having with Kibabu, the zoo's male gorilla. It appears that Kibabu has been rejecting all females for 6 years. They need Kibabu to mate in order to produce offspring. The managers decided that since he is unwilling to participate in any monkey business willingly, they would sedate the gorilla and have the zoo keepers stimulate him manually and collect the sperm and artificially inseminate the females. The zoo keepers have protested this idea, stating that "it would be too bloody dangerous. What if he wakes up?" It now appears that zoo officials have to resign to using technology instead, by a process called electro-ejaculation." HUH?!?!? #1) Maybe Kibabu is gay and he doesn't need any of the females. Why force it? #2) What if he wakes up? That is their concern, waking him up? That's the only protest you could come up with? I could think of so many reasons why I would not give a gorilla a hand job. #3)Electro-ejaculation...ouch! If that doesn't shock the sperm out of him it will definitely shock the shit out of him. Leave the poor thing alone already.

New York City, New York, September, 2002, New York city homeless shelters- shelter workers believe that "50 to 75 percent" of the current population of 8,000 families (2,000 more than the year before) are "unreasonably picky" about moving into permanent assisted housing, thus remaining in temporary apartments at an average cost to the city of $2,800 per family per month.Sara Kelly, a mother of six and an eight-year assisted-housing client, said she could not accept a three-bedroom apartment because "you had to walk through one bedroom to get to another bedroom and to get to the bathroom (and) I can't live like that. (I am) choosy about where I live." Well then Sara, get off your lazy ass, get your ass to Planned Parenthood and get put on birth control so that we don't have to pay for anymore of your damned kids, and then go down to a temp srvice, give them your info and work each job they give you until you can pay for that luxury home on your own. If you're not willing to do that, then you need learn to never look a gift horse in the mouth. Take what you can get, which sounds like a lot more than what a lot of people have and quit your whining. Sara, I hope you choke on a piece of government cheese.

Tucson, Arizona, August 2002- "Iris Jazmin Rangel, 24, was sentenced to three years' probation in the death of her 10-month-old daughter in a minor collision caused by Rangel's inability to brake quickly enough; her attention was diverted because she was breastfeeding the girl at the time." 3 years probation? She killed her baby and they give her 3 years probation. I am so thoroughly disguisted by this. Any fucking idiot knows that if you have a child in the car, you better have it belted in a child seat. And if you choose to breast feed, do the decent thing and pump the milk into bottles so you can feed your baby when you're not in the safety, convenience and privacy of your own home. You know what I'd love to see? I would love to see Sara move into the builiding owned by Denise Lyman. I would love for her to have a first floor apartment. I would love to see This idiot mother, this Iris idiot, take her car to New York and crash it into Sara'a apartment, mortally injuring Sara and herself. And when Denise rushes over to assess the damage, I hope it is so over-whelming that she dies of a heart attack. And everyone wonders why I am not a people-person. BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL A-MORAL FUCKING MORONS!!!


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