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12:21 a.m. @ December 15, 2002

When I started this diary, I swore to myself that I would try to write about something, anything, at least once a day. I know, I have said this repeatedly. I have failed. There just doesn't seem to be enough to write about. At least not for me. I am sure that a few things have happened here and there with me that would have made some quality reading, but by the time I sit down to write, it finds a little hole in my head and escapes. Basically, I am usually left with something similar to that slimy film you find when you don't completely drain liquid from a cup, and it makes that build up on the sides. I don't know of this build up from experience, but I have heard about it enough to know that what's left in my brain is comparable to it. What I am saying, just in case by some mere chance I am not making myself clear, is that I have not a damn thing to write about. Well, I do, but how many of you really want to hear about how I saw 4 wild Guinea Pigs living in a Taco Bell drive thru yesterday? Or how I woke up bright and early this morning to go pick out my Christmas present only to have to rush there and have nothing come of it but a big fight with a jeweler? Do any of you want to hear how I went shopping with Nahal at Target tonight and decided it would be funny to make everyone think we were either a) a gay couple, or b)2 people with restraining orders against each other? Or how I went to Party City tonight and discovered that Jesus Christ is black? By the way, if that were true, why weren't white people the slaves? Just a thought. You know, that Party City is an interesting place. I went there last Monday and discovered that the Asians own everything and I am a visitor in their world. Who knew? So, as many of you can see (all 1 of you) I really do not have much to write about. But I didn't want to give up and I didn't want any of you to think I had forgotten about you. Besides, it appears that I may have influenced 2 or 3 of you to write your own journal (fucking copy cats!!! j/k), so I have to maintain my role as a role model.


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