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12:43 p.m. @ December 17, 2002

Dear Artemisia,

If I knew of a way to take you away from the hurt you're feeling, I would do it in a heartbeat. You are too kind and too real to feel this way. I keep hoping these feelings are nothing more than momentary, but I fear they are not. I know you, and I know that what has happened to you is not your fault. Like I have said before, don't EVER let anyone turn your strengths into your weaknesses. Do not assume that because you are the common link that you are responsible for the idiocies created by those you had the misfortune of being with. I admire you. And if you know me, you know there very few people whom I admire. So take it for what it's worth. And coming from me, it's worth a hell of a lot. You are one of my very best friends and I care about you and how you feel. I know you're not used to this, but please believe me when I say that I am here for you unconditionally.

I read my friend's diary entry this afternoon, and what I read was very sad and very bothersome. My friend is by far the most giving, beautiful, intelligent, real, whole hearted, true spirited person I have ever had the good fortune to know. Like I said in my last entry, sometimes you meet someone whom you are truly thankful for having the chance to know. Dean is one, Artemisia is the other. She takes others into consideration before she takes herself into consideration. She has this talent of being so genuine. She's just so much fun to know. She has this energy about her that you can feel, even when you're miles away from her. She reminds me of a fairy- beautiful, unique, magikal, mystical and peaceful. But, unfortunately, too many people have tried to rob her of these wonderful qualities. They have made several attempts to turn purity into poison, to the extent that it is affecting her seriously. They are trying to make this strong creature weak like them and for no reason other than they fear and are ignorant to the powers she was blessed with. These people are too self centered to see her for what she really is- a friend, a mother, a confidant and a very decent human being that deserves to be treated as nothing less. But these people have such distorted tunnel vision, that they see her as someone to blame for their fucked up luck. God forbid they take the responsibility for the paths they chose. I believe that in each life, we have a soulmate. Unfortunately, it takes longer in some lives before we happen upon our soulmates. But it does and will happen. And I know it will happen for Artemisia, not because life is obligated to give her one, but because she actually deserves it. But until that day comes Artemisia, you have me. And I promise to never take anything from you. I will give to you as you have given to me. I will be the kind of friend to you that you have been to me because I couldn't ask for a better friend than the one I have found in you.

When the first fairy laughed

for the very first time,

the laugh broke into a thousand pieces

and went skipping about,

and that was the beginning of Artemisia.


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