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11:19 p.m. @ December 18, 2002

I had an entry I really wanted to do today, but every time I finished it and went to save it, all my windows would close out. I guess that entry was not meant to be posted. Artemisia told me to do the whole thing in one word so it wouldn't happen again. So taking her advice, with a few more words, tanker, you made an ass out of yourself with your top 10 list entry. I wish I could go into detail as to why, but something is saving your ass from my wrath. Get on your knees and thank God! Lucky sucker. It really was a well thought out, humorous entry. But it'll have to wait for some other time. I really hate MSN. Anyway, as all of you who read my entry know, I got my diamond/tanzanite ring tonight. It's my Christmas gift fom Dean. And because I love it so much, I really feel the need to reiterate how breath-takingly beautiful it is. Sorry, but that's all I can write about. So far I haven't been kicked off, so it must be an acceptable entry. Get on your knees, tanker!


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