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1:04 p.m. @ December 19, 2002

I recieved a note in my diary this morning regarding last night's entry. Surprise, surprise, it's from Tanker. Here's what he wrote;

From Tanker62

It wasn't meant for anybody's approval; It was meant for my contemplation. Once again, if I made an ass of myself in your eyes, (it) wasn't my intention.

I emailed him to inform him that just as his entries are not posted for anyone's approval, neither are mine. I also reminded him that if he is going to make his entries public, he needs to prepare himself for people to have their own opinions on what they are reading and in some instances, there will be responses to the entries. I figured this to be commone sense. He replied that it is only public if others choose to read it. Come again? I had to explain to him that it is public if he chooses to post an entry in a public forum such as this. Tanker, if you want to post a private entry, lock the fucking thing! That's what that option is there for. If you're going to display your thoughts for everyone to study and criticize, expect them to be studied and criticized. I hate to tell everyone this, but I am going to post what I damned well please and I don't care who it offends. And I post knowing that my toughts, feelings and words are fair game for everyone to do with as they please, whether it be criticizing or complimenting them. In one of his other emails to me regarding my entry, he says, "I just was doing some thinking and somebody told me once that the best way to accomplish something is to commit to it; The best way to commit to something is to write it down; so that's what I did." Tanker, while that may be true, that was not your intention. You are using your diary as a way to communicate to Artemisia because you have had all other means taken away from you. You will use every opportunity to get yourself through to her, even though she has told you time and again that that isn't what she wants. But who cares what she wants, right? Didn't you say in your top 10 list that you were going to be more selfless? Part of being selfless is to also not be so fucking self serving. You also stated 3 times that you will not be an ass. But from what I can see, that's all you know how to be. You see, I hate when people get upset over what I do, yet it's the same thing they're doing. Isn't this known as a double standard? Anyway, my point is, Tanker, just as you write what you feel, so do I. If you don't like it you can either A) not post a public entry or B) don't read my entries. And another thing for you to remember is that you brought me into this situation between you and Artemisia. You made it my business. You continue to come to me about it. You continue to make it my business. I know just about every detail of the EX relationship and I know every sordid detail of the aftermath. I have told you repeatedly that what you did to her sickens me and the way you are acting now sickens me even more. You want to be critical of me and what I have to say about the whole thing because you are too egotistical to be critical of yourself. But you have made me so much a part of this, it's all I really know right now. People tend to write what they know about, myself included. So as long as you continue to make me a part of this, I am going to continue writing my opinions about it. Add it to the list of things you need to learn to deal with.


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