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4:51 p.m. @ December 20, 2002

It truly amazes me, not to mention sickens me, how stupidly selfish people can be. Yes, once again, I am referring to Tanker. He's in one of his pity party moods, AGAIN. He wants to cry about how unfair life is to him. He never gets a break and that is ALL he has ever asked for. He says he looks around and sees all these breaks so many people get. Funny, because that is not what I see when I look around. In this past week alone, I have seen children consumed in fires- right before Christmas. I have seen people flooded out of their homes, all their worldly possessions ruined- right before Christmas. I have seen a child whose mother made her believe she was dying of cancer. She shaved the little girl's head and gave her Zanax to make it look like she was going through chemo. She took her to a therapist who was preparing this 7 year old to die. I have seen homeless people sleeping in near freezing temperatures and digging through the garbage desperately in hopes of finding some morsel of food. Where the fuck are these people's breaks? Guess what Tanker? You are a lot more fortunate than you realize. You get to spend Christmas with your kids. Unlike some of these parents I have seen this week who get to make funeral arrangements for their kids and sift through the charred remains of all the brightly wrapped gifts they had under the tree for their kids. You have a job and a roof over your head. You don't have to sleep on a stone bench in 40 degree weather, using newspapers to shelter you from the pelting rain. You don't have to take the few items you were able to grab to a shelter because you were flooded out of your home. You have your health and you have friends (through the mercy of God). If you think you have it so bad, why don't you spend this weekend going to a children's ward of a hospital? Go look at all the drug addicted babies fiending for some relief from the pain of withdrawal they're feeling and look at those born with AIDS, dying before they could even live. Look at the children who are bald and pale and shaky because their tiny bodies are going through so much fucking chemo. Look at the kids who may or may not make it through Christmas. Continue to walk around that hospital and glance into a few rooms where people are only able to live as long as they are hooked up to a machine. Look into some of the other rooms where you will see priests giving out a patient's last rights. Go down to the chapel and listen through the tears to those who are praying for God to spare their loved one's life while others are praying for Him to take care of the life He just took. Here's an idea to save yourself before you allow your self-pity to completely devour you. Since you have nothing to do and nothing to look forward to, go volunteer to serve Christmas dinner at a shelter. Watch as all the homeless, near death men, women and children line up for their first, possibly second, meal of the year. Look into their glassy eyes. Through all the pain, lost hope and dispair, you will see a shitload of overwhelming gratitude for the meal they are about to receive. They won't be sitting around feeling sorry for themselves. Becuase as hard as they have it, they still know when to be thankful for what they do have. Maybe you can learn a lesson from them. You see, you have it pretty damn good- better than these people who didn't do anything to deserve what they are going through. You brought a majority of this "shit luck" on yourself.


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