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1:40 p.m. @ February 04, 2003

Miss Sommer has brought it to my attention that I haven�t updated my diary lately. Apparently she has absolutely nothing better to do than spend her days reading online diaries. I�m kidding with you, Sommer! I actually do have a legitimate excuse for why have neglected my diary. My grandfather went into the hospital on Friday afternoon. Like myself, he too has heart problems. He has been on a medication that hasn�t been working for him lately, so the doctor decided to switch medications. This new medication that he was put onto is rather serious. It requires the patient stay in the hospital during the switch because of the effects it could have on the patient. To put it bluntly, it could have killed him, as it has with many patients. So my weekend was spent at his bedside along with my grandmother. He was able to come home Sunday. He�s doing OK now, however, he is continuing to have some problems. Unfortunately, he isn�t quite in the clear as of yet. I do have faith that he will be fine. He�s only 69 and probably the strongest person I know, literally. I could have posted yesterday, but I honestly could not find a topic that piqued my interest. Sure, I could have written about the Columbia tragedy, but what could I say that hasn�t already been said? It is a tragedy. It�s going to be one of those things that will be analyzed repeatedly while asking what could have been done to avoid it. Too little, too late. The simple fact is that 7 people perished in a horrific accident. It no longer matters what could have been done. Nothing can bring them back and that is ultimately what everyone really wants. One thing I can say that I haven�t heard is fuck Iraq. Those sick bastards had the audacity to say that the Columbia tragedy is God�s retribution against America. I don�t know what kind of god they worship, but the God I worship would never do something like this as retribution. I am in favor of this war more now than I ever was. I hate people who use something like this to back their spineless opinions. Those fucking sand monkeys have no idea what retribution really is. They�ll learn soon enough. Once again, the sleeping giant has been awakened. It�s February, so I could discuss black history month, but I�m sure everyone reading this pretty much knows my thoughts on this subject. If you don�t, then I will tell you that I think it�s an utter joke. Where the hell is white history month? I�m just glad they have it in the shortest month of the year.

OK, this entry pretty much sucked, but I guess it�s better than nothing. I promise I�ll try to get an actual entry up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Until then, this one will have to do.


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