extantPandora�s BoxBioMessages on the MachineEmail MeDesignHost

11:25 p.m. @ February 13, 2003

I cannot believe I have allowed this much time to lapse between entries. But the truth of the matter is that I really haven't had too much to say. I get in this mode ocassionally where my mind is completely blank, as if I am in a meditative state that I can't escape. I literally cannot hold a thought for more than a few seconds. I still have a blank slate as my mind right now, but I thought I owed it to everyone, or at least to Sommer, an explanation as to why I have neglected my diary. So, there you have it. I have been suffering stupidity. I haven't been doing anything exciting or new or news worthy. I have just been mentally absent. I have also been putting a lot of myself into studying my craft which is rather time consuming. I think I just need to learn how to balance myself a little better. I do have an entry planned, but I am putting it off until after the weekend because it's going to probably be quite lengthy, complete with links, not to mention a brief history on the subject I will be writing about. I am excited about it though. Well, my loyal readers, that's my update. I hope it wasn't too overwhelming for you.


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